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Spring Sunshine Action

High school students and college students aid plan

To help the students from impoverished family to continue their education, the SZPP Council discussed and decided to launch a new aid plan named Spring Sunshine Action. This plan dedicates to help the high school students and college students to finish their school study. Therefore, the scope of the Spring Sunshine Action is adjusted to cover from primary school to junior high school (National Compulsory Education), and other items are same as previous.

The new aid plan Spring Sunshine Action describes as follows:

l Donation Amount

For a high school studentRMB 3000 Yuan per year.

For a college studentRMB 5000 Yuan per year.

l Recipient Obligation

At this stage, the SZPP only accept the application of the graduated junior high school students and high school students who are being aided by the association.

For the high school student recipients, a recommendation letter is required with justification from their schools.

To apply for this aid plan, the school teachers need to download the Spring Sunshine Action application forms from SZPP website.

The high school recipients should participate in volunteer activities of their local public organizations or of their schools for at least 15 hours each semester, and at least 20 hours each semester for the college recipients. They should provide evidence such as pictures and certifications of these volunteer activities.

After the recipients start working, They should give back to the association 60% of the total funding that they have accepted in college, to aid other students, so that love well be lasting continually.

All the recipients must join the QQ group of SZPP, and should communicate at least once a month with the designated person of the association.

The recipients should send a letter to the donors before each holiday, to report their study and life.

In the aid period, the recipients should keep contact with the association, and give the request information timely; otherwise the association may stop the aid plan.

l Donation Manner

The donors can select one for one aid plan according their condition. The donors can also select three for one high school student and five for one college student aid plan, the association will find and coordinate the new donors to aid one student.(with the management fee of the association, RMB 3150 Yuan yearly for a high school student, and RMB 5250 Yuan for a college student)

The donors should transfer every six months of the one for one aid plan, and a one-time transfer annually of the other aid plan.

The donors should join QQ group the same as the recipients, to keep communication simple.

l Association Role

Select the recipients and verify their applications.

Maintain effective communication between the donors and recipients.

Supervise the recipients fulfill their obligations and other requirements.

To identify additional love people and love enterprises join in the plan to help more students.

Improve this plan.

This plan launched from September 2014